
How awful those few days were for the disciples of Christ!

All of their dreams and expectations seemed shattered.

Uncertainty and sorrow filled their hearts.

Dark, hopeless, utter despair; and above all, the relentless question of ‘why?’

How was it possible that the Messiah could be overcome by the wickedness of men?

Where was His power to save?

In hindsight, we know what was to come for them: a Sunday of glory and triumph!

But they didn’t yet comprehend what Jesus was trying to teach them about His atoning sacrifice and death.

There are times when we, too, can’t see the victory that is to come; when the ‘whys’ fill our minds and hearts with cavernous pain.

And often, God doesn’t answer the why-at least not right away.

Perhaps because it is contrary to faith or perhaps because we lack the capacity to comprehend.

Whatever the reason, while we often don’t know the why, we can know the Who.

We can know that He is good.

That He is willing to go to every effort to give us what we need; to bring us home.

We can know His heart, His light, His power, His love, His grace.

His perfect knowledge that Sunday is coming.

That the victory is assured and all is within His hands.

When it is too dark and too far for us to see, we can be certain of Him who promises peace and abundance and good cheer, even knowing the Friday and Saturday that are still to be endured.

Who He is answers every need of now.

Because who He is gives us every confidence in a perfect plan and in His disposition to conquer all obstacles that threaten our potential and our eternal destiny.

We can rest in the surety of the miracle and glory of Sunday to come sooner or later.

Because of Him.

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