HE is the Gift

I love gifts! I enjoy receiving a well thought-out gift (especially if it is unanticipated or surprising,) but mainly I love giving thoughtful, meaningful gifts to others. I love thinking about a special person and what he or she would like to receive and I love anticipating their happiness upon receiving the gift. I am …

Streams of Mercy Never Ceasing*

When our nephew was 9, he was diagnosed with a brain tumor. Because we live nearby, we saw firsthand the turmoil this brought his family. Those first few days and weeks were filled with gut-wrenching shock and fear and a whole host of emotions we feel when our lives are spinning out of our control. …


My son once said to me, “Mom! You can’t yell from the stands at my basketball games!” When I asked why he replied, “Because I can hear you!” Now, trust me, I was not nearly the loudest person yelling from the stands in basketball, but what he meant, I think, was that he recognized my …