The Weary World Rejoices

What a beautiful impression that phrase evokes! There is much in the world to weary us. Sin and failure are our daily companions. Our souls mourn at the war and contention, injustice and suffering, sorrow, confusion, deceit, and hate that seem so prevalent. And as we have experienced this year, forces beyond our control rage and require faith and patience and endurance as we wrestle with our weariness. Yet, even in 2020, there comes Christmas. In the end we have this priceless reminder that there is “Joy to the world!” because “the Lord is come!”

No matter the wearying circumstances, we come to this season of celebration of the birth of the Son of God on Earth and the weary world rejoices.

He has come with healing in His wings (Malachi 4:2) to bind up the brokenhearted and proclaim liberty to the captive. (Isaiah 61:1)

Because He is come, the grave has no victory and light and life to all He brings.

He is come to bear our griefs and carry our sorrows (Isaiah 53:4) and to turn our mourning into joy. (Jeremiah 31:13)

He is come to plead our cause (Jacob 3:1) and to put His name upon us. (Abraham 1:18)

He is come to take upon Him death and sin and to save that which was lost. (Matt. 18:11)

He is come and is the way, the truth and the life. (John 14:6)

Every insurmountable problem is resolved because He is come and in Him comes every good thing. (Moro 7:22)

So many reasons to rejoice! Overwhelming all weariness, we sing and pray and whisper in reverent awe our ‘joyful and triumphant’ praise of Him who is ever cause for rejoicing.

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