The Most Hopeful Thought

Of all the dark days in the history of the world, the Friday of the crucifixion must have been the very darkest of all. He in whom we all hope for deliverance and salvation had been killed. His body tortured and His majesty mocked; His heart broken and His life seemingly ended. They who were there and believed must have been stunned. They must have had thoughts like we would have: “Was it all in vain? All of our hoping, our believing, our witnessing?” “Is this the end of all of those things?” “How can this be the answer to our waiting, our longing, our needing?”

And then the hours of despair, where they were left without hope and, I imagine, a certain sense of staring into an bottomless kind of darkness, where light will never be again. Those hours would seem endless.

Yet, there came, in the proper time, the most hopeful words of all time: “He is risen.” He lives! And all of the hoping and the longing and the needing of all who had ever lived and who ever would live were fulfilled in that moment. Everything He said and promised was now certain. Suddenly, joy and wonder took the place of the darkness, trust and hope and faith restored.

Because He lives there is hope.

Because He lives there is light.

Because He lives there is life.

Because He lives, this is not the end for us either. We, too, will rise in every sense of that word.

“God be thanked for the matchless gift of His divine Son.” (The Living Christ)

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1 Comment

  1. Clay says:

    Love this mom ❤️

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