The Beauty of Covenant Binding

In some ancient wedding ceremonies, the husband and wife had their hands tied together, symbolizing their union, an unbreakable bond, an intent for the two to become one (hence our idiom, ‘tying the knot’).

A visible symbol of the binding covenant they made to one another.

Often the Lord uses wedding imagery to help us understand the covenantal relationship He desires to have with each of us.



Sacrificial love.


Except, unlike two imperfect mortals pledging their lives to one another, it’s a relationship where One is perfect.

A perfect being willing to bind Himself to His children in their weakness and frailty; offering His power, His attributes, His strength to the relationship.

As we bind ourselves to Him and stay, that is what we receive.

Oneness with One who has the power to right all wrongs, to heal all wounds and to give meaning to all our life’s experience. To give beauty for ashes (Isaiah 61:3).

Saving and exalting power.

Grace in our need, patience in the process.

Perfection to overcome all our imperfection.

Love and loyalty everlastingly.

How can we not give our hearts and all the commitment possible within us to such a relationship?

Our faithfulness to the union is really the only thing we have to offer. Our loyalty and love, our trust and allegiance, though unequal to His, demonstrate our dedication to and gratitude for the connection. Our assurance that we, too, are bound by our promises to Him.

It is a breathtakingly beautiful offering of love.

Bound to Him through covenant.

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