Singing the Song of Redeeming Love…Now

Some things are beyond words.

Nothing we can articulate quite captures the feelings we want to convey.

Maybe that’s why Alma describes the expression of our feelings as we recognize our deliverance, our salvation, our escape from eternal peril as a song.

The wonder of redeeming love requires something in addition to words to proclaim.

Sometimes that wonder comes to us in earth shaking moments.

Large and loud and unmistakeable.

But most often, the evidence of redeeming love is in the ordinary.

The quiet and unobtrusive moments of life.

So it takes something from us to recognize them all-grand and subtle-and to continuously, presently, desire to sing that song.

Redeeming love is in breath and beauty.

It is in healing and in strength to endure.

It is evident in words that lift and teach truth.

And in correction when we go astray.

It is manifest in prophets and scripture and people who believe.

It is in forgiveness.




A nature slowly changing to want more what God wants.

A soul expanding to love more like God loves.

Redeeming love surrounds us if we will open our hearts to see and receive it.

And we can feel to sing of it, now and forever.

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