Seeking Light

So much of the natural world teaches us spiritual truths. In His grand design, God is teaching us of the eternities by the every day experiences we have.

Light, for instance, is necessary for life.

All life depends on and therefore is created to seek after light. Plants will grow toward light and develop the optimal structure for capturing light. Human bodies similarly require light to thrive and are designed to capture and use sunlight for this purpose.

Just as the physical life needs light, so does the spiritual. Our spirits require the light of Christ to ‘see’ truth and to lead us toward our eternal destiny.

We came to earth to seek light and truth by choice without His presence before us, so part of our growth is learning what light does for our spirits and discerning when it is not present. The more exposure we have to the light, the better able we are to distinguish it from that which is dark.

Like a plant that grows toward the sun in order to receive the most light, we too, can grow to seek more and more spiritual light in our lives to nourish our spirits.

“That which is of God is light; and he that receiveth light, and continueth in God, receiveth more light; and that light groweth brighter and brighter until the perfect day.” (D&C 50:24)

Like the human eye which requires light to discern shape and color, shadow and form, we require light to discern good and evil, that which serves to help us become more like the Savior, and that which detracts from that goal. The more light we are willing to receive, by choice, the more we are able to see.

Those who proclaim themselves ‘enlightened’ often mistake the laws of God for limitations. In fact, they are conduits of light to help us see more clearly that which is true and of real value-the way to everlasting light. We are not limited because of our gospel knowledge, we can increasingly see because of the light it offers.

Christ is light. Through Him we experience the growth, flourishing and joy of an abundant life. As we consistently seek His light, we will be able to clearly see the beauty and wonder and truth of life and eternity.

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