The Christmas season is full of wonder and joy. I love the excitement and anticipation it brings to children and families, the increased desire to serve and help others, the emphasis on Christ and His meaning in our lives. His birth was rich in beautiful symbolism that helps me know and appreciate Him in my …
Streams of Mercy Never Ceasing*
When our nephew was 9, he was diagnosed with a brain tumor. Because we live nearby, we saw firsthand the turmoil this brought his family. Those first few days and weeks were filled with gut-wrenching shock and fear and a whole host of emotions we feel when our lives are spinning out of our control. …
Focused on joy
Every November for several years I have hosted a ‘favorites’ party. Some friends come over to eat (because, party…) and to share our favorite things from the past year. To prepare for the event, I get to think about what I have loved from the year-things that have brought me happiness or pleasure, books or …
My son once said to me, “Mom! You can’t yell from the stands at my basketball games!” When I asked why he replied, “Because I can hear you!” Now, trust me, I was not nearly the loudest person yelling from the stands in basketball, but what he meant, I think, was that he recognized my …
Growth and Progression
I really, really, really do not like making mistakes. You’d think I’d get over that attitude, considering how many I have made in my life, but…still working on that. I know that making mistakes is part of the process of growing and learning, and I don’t beat myself up for making them, I just don’t …