
This photograph makes me smile. Looking at the little house against the backdrop of the magnificent mountain and landscape reminds me of our tiny attempts at creation or accomplishment or performance compared to the grandeur of God’s work. And yet, I don’t think that home is diminished in the comparison. It is not pitiful or …

I Need to Talk to You

I think there is not a phrase in the world my children dread hearing more than, “I need to talk to you” (which shows the relatively sheltered life my children have led–I can think of many worse things to hear!) While that may make it seem that talking to me is full of rage or …

Real Beauty

I am skeptical of the claims that beauty products make. Not because I am not intrigued, nor even a little sheepishly hopeful. I would genuinely like a cream to make me look 20 years younger and a pill to remove my cellulite. But sadly, after all the products I’ve purchased, my hair still frizzes at …

Lessons from the Jaredite Journey

“I will bring you up again out of the depths…” (Ether 2:24) The Book of Mormon begins and ends (almost the end anyway) with journeys and families. By design, I’m sure, the Lord wants us to see ourselves in these experiences and learn the lessons He has taught those before us. The Jaredites were faithful, …