Here is Hope

Just before the last week of His mortal life, Jesus was sent word that His friend, Lazarus, was desperately sick. Jesus, knowing what was to come, delayed His return to Judea, and Lazarus died before He came. When Jesus came to the home of Lazarus, his sisters were grief stricken and both said essentially the …

What the Eye Can’t See

Several weeks ago I watched my 16 year-old daughter, Paige, sing a beautiful solo in a church meeting. Her voice is rich and pure (even to those who aren’t her mother!) and she has worked hard to train it well. She stood with poise and confidence and sang with love and conviction. If you had …


Several years ago we had the opportunity to build a home in a beautiful location, on a forested lot with the potential for grand views of the mountain range to the west. We very carefully measured, walked, planned and adjusted the orientation and design of the house to capture those views from the windows of …

Of Most Worth

I read a very poignant article in a magazine about love and worth. In it, the author interviewed Brother Michael Wilcox in his home and had a conversation with him about women’s worth. On his wall, she saw a scripture from the story of Jacob and Rachel which prompted the path of the discussion. He …

God is Not Siri (And Siri is Not God)

There is an intriguing episode in the beginning of the Doctrine and Covenants where Oliver Cowdery has arrived in Harmony to learn about Joseph Smith’s story and offers his help as scribe in translating the plates. We don’t have the full story, but from the context of the revelations, it seems that Oliver was fascinated …