Satisfied With His Goodness

There is a line from Jeremiah 31:14 that keeps running through my mind this week: “…and my people will be satisfied with my goodness, saith the Lord.”

Within the context, this could mean that there will come a time when we (His people) will be completely filled with good things from Him: joy and peace and truth and light, with none of the opposite causes of grief and pain. And that is true.

But another way to read that phrase could be that there will come a time when we will be content with the goodness He offers us.

Not wanting more. Or less.

Trusting that what He gives is good and that it is enough and that it is exactly what we need.

Fulfilled in the things of godliness rather than yearning for more of the things of the world.

Maybe it is disheartening to generously give an unspeakable amount and yet have so many remarkably dissatisfied. So much wanting for things that really cannot fill the soul.

Given the nature and purpose of mortality, our lives will not be perfect and there will always be things we will want to be better…or more…or less. So perhaps this state is not entirely attainable here and now.

But I like to think I can be better at finding satisfaction in the goodness that He has given and continues to give me every day.

It requires eyes to see Him at work in my life and a heart to embrace the goodness He gives in all of its manifestations. Even in those things that don’t match my perception of good.

Most of all it requires my wholehearted faith in Him. My reliance on His knowledge and power when mine don’t come close to being enough. My assurance, though I have not seen with my physical eyes, that His promises are certain and present, even in the waiting times. Belief in the process. Hope in action.

It is knowing that there are also “good things to come” and knowing Him who is the bringer of those good things that allows us to live satisfied-full, happy, content and at peace.

Encompassed in His goodness.

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