
So often life’s lessons are learned in the opposites.

We feel opposition in everything, and usually more readily relate to the opposition that pushes against us when we are trying our hardest to do right.

But I’ve noticed in this time of uncertainty that we are also given positive opposites-glimpses of light and hope in our dark times.

2021 was supposed to be our emergence from the pandemic and a return to ‘normal’. Instead, the virus and its variants still rage and baffle us. Most things are not really normal at all, and there continues to be confusion and disharmony surrounding this issue.

But this year, in our corner of the world, we had the most glorious wildflower and fall leaf seasons I can remember.

A gift of nature during a dark time. Reminding us that God is always good. That He sees and knows our challenges. That He can bring beauty into all places of our lives.

I heard someone call it ‘pain and grace at the same time’. That is the opposite I want to see and celebrate.

The grace in the middle of my pain.

The bursts of light in a dark place.

The great things in the midst of the hard things.

Moments of hope in disappointing and disheartening circumstances.

God’s opposites to the challenges of mortality.

Reminders of who He is and what He can do.

Opposites that teach us to trust and to reach beyond right now; to see the beautiful in the middle of the mess and to cling to that which is good.

Lessons learned and made a part of us in the contrast of the opposites.

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