More Fit for the Kingdom

Physical fitness isn’t really my thing (obviously,) but watching the Olympics kind of (just a little) makes me want to be better at that. It’s inspiring to see the athletes who have dedicated so much time and effort into their training, who have sacrificed and worked and consistently showed up to practice in order to reach their goals. I’m impressed with the skill they have gained and the single-minded devotion it takes to reach that level of ability. They clearly do not skip workouts when they are tired or take breaks from their fitness routines when they just don’t feel like doing them. More than being physically ‘fit,’ I admire that mindset-the commitment, the striving, the trying over and over and over regardless of the obstacles, the overcoming setbacks and the victory of self mastery.

Those characteristics are exemplified in elite athletes, but also can be developed and used to make all of us ‘fit’ in another way. Fit as in prepared for, adapted to an end or design, made suitable and ready for the marvelous future the Lord has waiting for us. More fit for His kingdom. The training required for that ‘fitness’ can also be demanding and rigorous. It requires sometimes painful lessons and change, patience and perseverance. It calls for endurance and single-mindedness (and single-heartedness!) to a goal that is not always easy to visualize, and for which opposition abounds. We become fit for the kingdom with an effort that can be similar to Olympic athletes in some ways-it grows from a desire that is greater than all the other pulls on our time and energy and thought. I believe that is at least one sense of what the Lord means when He says He requires ‘the heart and a wiling mind.’ (D&C 64:34) To be made fit for life with Him and like Him, we have to want it more than we want anything else.

Unlike athletes, however, our ‘coach’ in this pursuit is not only a source of knowledge and motivation. Jesus Christ’s whole purpose in coming to earth was to provide each of us with everything we need to return to our Father and to make us fit for His kingdom. In a very real sense He is pulling with us, running with us, climbing with us in all of our ‘practices.’ He lends His strength where we are weak and pays a price for our ‘fitness’ we are simply incapable of paying ourselves. So while we must give our all to the process (in desire and effort,) ultimately, it is His fitness we rely on to lift us up. He is perfectly ‘fit’ to be able to fulfill all of the Father’s promises because of His single-minded devotion to His will. Because of that, there is also no doubt as to the outcome-no working our whole lives to miss the mark by tenths of a second. He wins and therefore (as we remain on His team), we win!

There is no medal waiting for us at the end of this race. No competition against others that we must come out on top of in order to win. No podium. It is in the process of learning our skill, of practicing and overcoming and allowing Him to work in us, that we become like Him-fit for the kingdom of God. Prepared and made ready for an end or design-the very purpose of our creation-glory and power and knowledge and everything He has.

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