Lessons from Life with Covid

We are now almost 7 months into the worldwide pandemic caused by the Covid virus. We have passed the stage of expecting a quick outcome and have become more settled into life with mask wearing in public, learning and teaching over technology instead of in person in school and missions, restrictions on activities and travel, and limited gathering with groups. As our family has adjusted to these challenges of a change in routines, adapting to the restrictions and learning to live without being able to plan very far in the future, we have discussed the things we are learning and the blessings we can see from this adversity in order to help us grow and change in positive ways. As we have done this, we have felt the peace that comes from our faith in a loving Heavenly Father who will guide us and strengthen us in all things. 

-We have come to recognize that our security and safety cannot be in worldly pursuits, routines or establishments. These are vulnerable to change and to the imperfections of mortality. We have had to face fears of the unknown and decide if we will be ruled by them or if we will seek the surety of faith. This experience has reinforced that the only security in any time (but seen most clearly in troubled times) is in Jesus Christ-in His power, His love, His ability to shine light and hope in the darkest of situations. 

-We have learned to look harder for those blessings that are always there, but that we take for granted or overlook in their simplicity or familiarity. While Covid took away many things that we were used to having, it did not take away those things most essential to our happiness. We have come to appreciate more fully our time together as a family, our testimonies of the gospel, our access to God’s power through our covenants and the revelation through prophets, scriptures and the Holy Ghost that brings clarity and comfort.

 -We miss life as it used to be, yet we see the Lord compensating for the lack and providing us with everything we need to continue forward. When we can’t gather in church or in temples, He provides. When we can’t meet for school, He provides.  When we want to feel connected to our friends and others, He provides. In most cases, He has been preparing ways for us to be able to continue learning, to continue our spiritual progress, to receive what we need in new ways, far before the pandemic and we are just now seeing how everything was in place for our benefit during this time. 

-Our view of the value of life has expanded. We recognize our need to be more purposeful in our choices with our time; to be more self-reliant; to be accountable for our own attitude; to take responsibility for our own learning and to appreciate more fully our blessings. We have seen that we can find happiness living with intention and gratitude. 

-We have learned to look for new ways to think, to find peace, and to reach out. It is when we can no longer do what we once did that we are compelled to change and grow. This has stretched us in some ways, but has shown us that there is joy to be found in every circumstance when our focus is on the Savior.

-While we do not know all the reasons this has happened or even all the things the Lord wants to help us learn from it, we have seen that He is in control and that nothing will stop His work. We have found peace in faith, in prayer and in service.

These valuable lessons don’t take away the difficulty of living through this hardship, but they do open our minds to the possibilities for growth and increased understanding before us and help us to see beyond this moment–to find hope in the potential for change and in the marvelous ways the Lord will work with us. And while all around us we hear the plea for life to “return to normal,” perhaps this challenge most of all helps us to see that a new “normal” can be good; that some things are meant to be done away with and that our changed perspective and seeking hearts can lead us to something even better. 

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