Growth and Progression

I really, really, really do not like making mistakes. You’d think I’d get over that attitude, considering how many I have made in my life, but…still working on that. I know that making mistakes is part of the process of growing and learning, and I don’t beat myself up for making them, I just don’t like the feeling of being wrong and embarrassed and inadequate.

The problem with that way of thinking, of course, is that if it consumes me, I will avoid any stretching or uncomfortable experiences that may entail mistake making in the learning process. And it is those very experiences that lead to progress and growth. So, I take hope in knowing that although I will continue to make mistakes, I can make an effort to at least learn from them and keep trying.

In many ways, it is the striving and the trying that are the real catalysts to progress anyway. The very effort, determination, persistence and humility it takes to commence and continue the journey bring growth and change we didn’t even think to seek. On our way to achieving goals or reaching our greatest potential there are lessons and growth. So, I will do things that stretch and make me a little uncomfortable or vulnerable. Like start a blog. Like write things that I may change my mind about or want to cringe at later. Like offer up my thoughts and my heart in the endeavor. While it may make little difference to anyone else and while the effort will include many mistakes, I know the process will teach me and change me. And that is enough.

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1 Comment

  1. Clay says:

    You have never made a mistake in my eyes!

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