Be it Unto Me

‘Behold the handmaid of the Lord, be it unto me according to thy word’ (Luke 1:38). What was it that allowed Mary to respond in such a way to such an incredible, incomprehensible calling from the Lord? We know little about the facts of Mary’s life. We assume she was a young woman, a teenager, …

Interactions with the Son of God

The girls sat with covered eyes and open hands, listening to events and interactions of mortal beings with the Son of God. Into their hands, we passed tangible evidence of those interactions. Straw to represent His mother’s first moments caring for her newborn son. A tassel at the hem of a garment, touched in desperate …

Satisfied With His Goodness

There is a line from Jeremiah 31:14 that keeps running through my mind this week: “…and my people will be satisfied with my goodness, saith the Lord.” Within the context, this could mean that there will come a time when we (His people) will be completely filled with good things from Him: joy and peace …

An Unexpected God

The Lord tells us in scripture that His ways are not our ways (see Isaiah 55:8) and yet we consistently assume He will do things according to our own expectations. We expect Him to answer prayers in the way we want, to handle situations and run His kingdom in ways that make sense to our …