To Be Happy

Heavenly Father wants us to be happy. “The intent of the Father’s great plan of happiness is your happiness, right here, right now, and in the eternities.” (Elder Patrick Kearon, ‘God’s Intent is to Bring You Home,’ Gen Conf, April 2024) We forget sometimes that His plan is ‘of happiness’ and therefore provides the way …

HE is the Gift

I love gifts! I enjoy receiving a well thought-out gift (especially if it is unanticipated or surprising,) but mainly I love giving thoughtful, meaningful gifts to others. I love thinking about a special person and what he or she would like to receive and I love anticipating their happiness upon receiving the gift. I am …

Focused on joy

Every November for several years I have hosted a ‘favorites’ party. Some friends come over to eat (because, party…) and to share our favorite things from the past year. To prepare for the event, I get to think about what I have loved from the year-things that have brought me happiness or pleasure, books or …