
Look, see, pay attention. What comes after this invitation is important. Something we are going to want to witness or regard. In its most significant place, it comes before introductions to Jesus Christ. From His Father, His cousin, Himself. Behold my Beloved Son. Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the …

Live As If

We tend to be bad at waiting, which is unfortunate because much of life is waiting. Waiting places can be hard. Many years ago I was struck by a little verse in a little book in my scripture study. Jarom 1:11 talks about the prophets, priests and teachers of the people of Nephi working hard …

Peace on Earth

“And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.” (Luke 2:13-14) That heavenly host may simply have been expressing their hopes for the world that beautiful night when Christ was born. Because neither …

The Secret to Happiness

As human beings we seem to be made to want happiness. Joseph Smith taught that ‘happiness is the object and design of our existence’ so it must be divinely intended as a pursuit of our lives. Mostly, however, we tend to seek for it badly, or at least in ways that fail to satisfy our …

The Lamb of God

In the musical presentation, “Lamb of God*,” at the very darkest moment of the last week of Jesus Christ’s life-the death of Jesus on the cross, his mother, Mary, sings: He who healed our sorrows, here was bruised and broken. He whose love no end knows, here was forsaken, left all alone. Here despair cries …