
In the Old Testament, the Lord directed cities of refuge to be set apart for those who accidentally killed someone (see Numbers 35). They were to be places of safety for those running from avenging loved ones who wanted swift retribution without a judgment or a chance for atonement, until a fair hearing could be …

Singing the Song of Redeeming Love…Now

Some things are beyond words. Nothing we can articulate quite captures the feelings we want to convey. Maybe that’s why Alma describes the expression of our feelings as we recognize our deliverance, our salvation, our escape from eternal peril as a song. The wonder of redeeming love requires something in addition to words to proclaim. …


Look, see, pay attention. What comes after this invitation is important. Something we are going to want to witness or regard. In its most significant place, it comes before introductions to Jesus Christ. From His Father, His cousin, Himself. Behold my Beloved Son. Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the …

Elevating Love

We throw the word ‘love’ around a lot. We love sports teams and food and spa days and luxury cars. We love places and memories and attributes in ourselves and others (all good things!). We love people. It is in those (healthy) relationships that we get a glimpse of what Christ’s love looks like. Selflessness …