Lessons from Life with Covid

We are now almost 7 months into the worldwide pandemic caused by the Covid virus. We have passed the stage of expecting a quick outcome and have become more settled into life with mask wearing in public, learning and teaching over technology instead of in person in school and missions, restrictions on activities and travel, …

Believe Him

Repeatedly in the scriptures we are invited and admonished to believe in Christ. That is, in fact, the very purpose of scripture–to help us believe in Him. John wrote, “But these are written, that ye might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing ye might have life through his …

Love Stories

I’m a sucker for love stories. Stories where love wins, strengthens ordinary people to do extraordinary things, and is the force behind happy endings and bright, hopeful futures. Apparently, I’m not alone. The romance genre of books sells by far the most–almost twice as much as the next highest category. It’s ironic that, even with …