
Look, see, pay attention. What comes after this invitation is important. Something we are going to want to witness or regard. In its most significant place, it comes before introductions to Jesus Christ. From His Father, His cousin, Himself. Behold my Beloved Son. Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the …

There Will Be Miracles

TWBM is an acronym affirmed by the humanitarian organization, HXP. There will be miracles. It expresses hope and faith and the knowledge born of experience over time. It’s an inspiring, encouraging, reassuring mindset. I think I would like to live my life with that outlook. When obstacles come, there will be miracles. When darkness threatens, …

Live As If

We tend to be bad at waiting, which is unfortunate because much of life is waiting. Waiting places can be hard. Many years ago I was struck by a little verse in a little book in my scripture study. Jarom 1:11 talks about the prophets, priests and teachers of the people of Nephi working hard …

A Palace of Peace

In 1993 I was newly married and nearing graduation from college. In the world there were wars, political unrest, financial crises, famine, corruption and natural disasters. We (collectively) worried about the increasing evil and the decline in morality. Elder Howard W. Hunter came to BYU to give a devotional and shared comments he had received …

Rooted & Grounded

I love lessons from nature, taught without words, yet so relatable and powerful. When I come across a windswept tree that is standing firm against the onslaught, I want to cheer it on: “Hang in there, tree friend! You’ve got this!” A tree can withstand enormous forces pressing against it largely because of what is …