The Best Things in the Worst Times

In Leicester England, an inscription on the entrance to a church built in the 1600’s reads, “When all things sacred were throughout this nation either demolished or profaned, Sir Robert Shirley, Baronet, founded this church. [He it is] whose singular praise [is] to have done the best things in the worst times and hoped them …

Lessons from Life with Covid

We are now almost 7 months into the worldwide pandemic caused by the Covid virus. We have passed the stage of expecting a quick outcome and have become more settled into life with mask wearing in public, learning and teaching over technology instead of in person in school and missions, restrictions on activities and travel, …


This photograph makes me smile. Looking at the little house against the backdrop of the magnificent mountain and landscape reminds me of our tiny attempts at creation or accomplishment or performance compared to the grandeur of God’s work. And yet, I don’t think that home is diminished in the comparison. It is not pitiful or …

In Uncertain Times

As I write this, we are in the middle of a worldwide COVID-19 pandemic. Nations and cities have shut down, missionaries are being sent home and all temples have closed. We have been practicing ‘social isolation’ for a little over 2 weeks and have at least 2 weeks to go under our ‘stay at home’ …

Burdens That Become Blessings

Burden-the very word indicates heaviness and dread. And while we may know intellectually that burdens provide the resistance that make us stronger, few of us would choose to carry them if we could avoid it. Perhaps, however, our burdens become blessings depending on how and with whom we carry them. The people of Alma, who …