The End.

I love to read. A lot. Reaching the end of a great book is always bittersweet. It is wonderful to reach the resolution and the place where everything comes together (books that don’t reach that point are terribly frustrating!) But there is a poignancy in reaching the conclusion as well. Sometimes we just don’t want …

Rhythms of Remembrance

We forget a lot. We forget what we had for breakfast last week, what we came into the room for, what happened on June 12 when we were five or twenty-five. Sometimes that is a good thing-we might otherwise be overwhelmed with too much information in our limited capacity. But sometimes, remembering is vital for …

The Secret to Happiness

As human beings we seem to be made to want happiness. Joseph Smith taught that ‘happiness is the object and design of our existence’ so it must be divinely intended as a pursuit of our lives. Mostly, however, we tend to seek for it badly, or at least in ways that fail to satisfy our …

More Fit for the Kingdom

Physical fitness isn’t really my thing (obviously,) but watching the Olympics kind of (just a little) makes me want to be better at that. It’s inspiring to see the athletes who have dedicated so much time and effort into their training, who have sacrificed and worked and consistently showed up to practice in order to …

‘Comparison is the Thief of Joy’

Nearly every time I ponder writing something on this blog, I fight against the voices of doubt in my mind. It’s a stretching experience and that is uncomfortable. I often don’t know what to say or the best way to say it. What if nobody cares? What if I fail and others see that? The …