The Best ‘Self-Care’

Don’t get me wrong. I love a relaxing spa day, yoga session or time in a good book with chocolate. All good things. But I wonder if we are missing the most important element of ‘self care’ when we fail to include the One who knows better than we do what we most need to …

Judging the Past

Looking back on your pre-teen or middle school years, what is your feeling? If we’re feeling generous, most of us will look back and cringe, or at least laugh. If we’re feeling less than generous, we might look back with disgust or humiliation. And yet, at the time we were just trying our best to …

Lists of Invitation

I sat in a Sunday School class where the teacher asked what we do to remain on the path back to our Father. The answers were unsurprising: pray, read scriptures, attend church, temple worship. It was written on the board as a list. Then, one woman raised her hand and said, “I hate lists. They …

Seeking Light

So much of the natural world teaches us spiritual truths. In His grand design, God is teaching us of the eternities by the every day experiences we have. Light, for instance, is necessary for life. All life depends on and therefore is created to seek after light. Plants will grow toward light and develop the …