The End.

I love to read. A lot. Reaching the end of a great book is always bittersweet. It is wonderful to reach the resolution and the place where everything comes together (books that don’t reach that point are terribly frustrating!) But there is a poignancy in reaching the conclusion as well. Sometimes we just don’t want …

Our Need and Our Want

Need is a powerful motivator. When we need, we seek, no matter the cost. But sometimes our lives are smoothly going along and we don’t feel a great need. Nothing pressing or urgent anyway, and we may lose our sense of seeking. Isn’t that one of the themes of scripture-especially the Book of Mormon? When …

The Secret to Happiness

As human beings we seem to be made to want happiness. Joseph Smith taught that ‘happiness is the object and design of our existence’ so it must be divinely intended as a pursuit of our lives. Mostly, however, we tend to seek for it badly, or at least in ways that fail to satisfy our …

Lessons from Life with Covid

We are now almost 7 months into the worldwide pandemic caused by the Covid virus. We have passed the stage of expecting a quick outcome and have become more settled into life with mask wearing in public, learning and teaching over technology instead of in person in school and missions, restrictions on activities and travel, …