Singing the Song of Redeeming Love…Now

Some things are beyond words. Nothing we can articulate quite captures the feelings we want to convey. Maybe that’s why Alma describes the expression of our feelings as we recognize our deliverance, our salvation, our escape from eternal peril as a song. The wonder of redeeming love requires something in addition to words to proclaim. …

‘Earth’s Crammed With Heaven’

‘Earth’s crammed with heaven, And every common bush afire with God, But only he who sees, takes off his shoes, The rest sit round it and pluck blackberries, And daub their natural faces unaware.’ (Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Aurora Lee) I have spent the last while traveling and gathering, and this thought from Elizabeth Barrett Browning …

Live As If

We tend to be bad at waiting, which is unfortunate because much of life is waiting. Waiting places can be hard. Many years ago I was struck by a little verse in a little book in my scripture study. Jarom 1:11 talks about the prophets, priests and teachers of the people of Nephi working hard …

Judging the Past

Looking back on your pre-teen or middle school years, what is your feeling? If we’re feeling generous, most of us will look back and cringe, or at least laugh. If we’re feeling less than generous, we might look back with disgust or humiliation. And yet, at the time we were just trying our best to …


A new year invites both looking forward and looking back.  The possibilities of a fresh start are exciting.  But without remembering the good and significant things we have passed through, we miss opportunities for understanding and gratitude as we move forward.  The ancient Israelites would often use stone memorials or monuments as markers of remembrance.  …