Living Love

We’ve had two weddings in two months in our family, so love is definitely in the air. Love is one of those words that is both a noun and a verb. Our culture emphasizes the noun form of this word, the emotion or feeling, referring to “falling in (or out of) love” as if it …

Lessons from Living in Babylon

I wonder what Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah’s lives looked like before they were carried away captive. There were certainly born into lives of privilege; they came from the relations of the king or princes in some way. They were considered among those with ability, skill and understanding (see Dan 1:4). I am intrigued by …

More Fit for the Kingdom

Physical fitness isn’t really my thing (obviously,) but watching the Olympics kind of (just a little) makes me want to be better at that. It’s inspiring to see the athletes who have dedicated so much time and effort into their training, who have sacrificed and worked and consistently showed up to practice in order to …

Choose God

In Moses 7, there is a heart rending moment when Enoch is shown all the world ‘for the space of many generations.’ (Moses 7:4) As Enoch witnessed the history of the world, with its wars and bloodshed and wickedness, he saw ‘that the God of heaven looked upon the residue of the people, and he …