
A new year invites both looking forward and looking back.  The possibilities of a fresh start are exciting.  But without remembering the good and significant things we have passed through, we miss opportunities for understanding and gratitude as we move forward.  The ancient Israelites would often use stone memorials or monuments as markers of remembrance.  …

The Miraculous Every Day

Have you ever experienced the illusion when once something is brought to your attention, you start seeing it everywhere? Like when you purchase a particular model of car, you start seeing it more frequently on the roads? (This is a real phenomenon! It even has a name-the ‘Baader-Meinhof’ phenomenon.) It isn’t really that the frequency …


Several years ago we had the opportunity to build a home in a beautiful location, on a forested lot with the potential for grand views of the mountain range to the west. We very carefully measured, walked, planned and adjusted the orientation and design of the house to capture those views from the windows of …

Lessons from Life with Covid

We are now almost 7 months into the worldwide pandemic caused by the Covid virus. We have passed the stage of expecting a quick outcome and have become more settled into life with mask wearing in public, learning and teaching over technology instead of in person in school and missions, restrictions on activities and travel, …