O Holy Night

Sometimes a subject is so grand, so glorious, so monumental that words alone don’t seem adequate to describe how we feel. Capturing even a glimpse requires more. ‘Joy to the world, the Lord is come.’ ‘He lays His glory by’ and comes to us a babe. Trading dominion and majesty and divinity for utter dependence …

Be it Unto Me

‘Behold the handmaid of the Lord, be it unto me according to thy word’ (Luke 1:38). What was it that allowed Mary to respond in such a way to such an incredible, incomprehensible calling from the Lord? We know little about the facts of Mary’s life. We assume she was a young woman, a teenager, …

There Will Be Miracles

TWBM is an acronym affirmed by the humanitarian organization, HXP. There will be miracles. It expresses hope and faith and the knowledge born of experience over time. It’s an inspiring, encouraging, reassuring mindset. I think I would like to live my life with that outlook. When obstacles come, there will be miracles. When darkness threatens, …