Our Need and Our Want

Need is a powerful motivator. When we need, we seek, no matter the cost. But sometimes our lives are smoothly going along and we don’t feel a great need. Nothing pressing or urgent anyway, and we may lose our sense of seeking. Isn’t that one of the themes of scripture-especially the Book of Mormon? When …

Just Like Him.

Introduce a newborn baby into a room of relatives or friends or even acquaintances and it doesn’t take long before the ‘who does he/she look like?’ conversations begin. (If you are in my family, the answer was always, always, ‘dad’.) As children grow we point out the ways in which they are like us or …

Love…because, Jesus.

I believe in love. Love that never ends and never fails. Love that is constant. A love that is kind and patient, selfless and gracious. Love that lifts and encourages, that ennobles and strengthens. Love that creates beauty. Love that rescues. Love that redeems whatever the cost. A love that descends into darkness and despair …

The Beauty of Covenant Binding

In some ancient wedding ceremonies, the husband and wife had their hands tied together, symbolizing their union, an unbreakable bond, an intent for the two to become one (hence our idiom, ‘tying the knot’). A visible symbol of the binding covenant they made to one another. Often the Lord uses wedding imagery to help us …