God is Love

“He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love.” (1 John 4:8) John knew this because of what he witnessed as an apostle and follower of Jesus Christ. He walked and talked with Him. Experienced the healing and the teaching. Sat at His feet and lived in His presence. But, like all of …

Lessons from Living in Babylon

I wonder what Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah’s lives looked like before they were carried away captive. There were certainly born into lives of privilege; they came from the relations of the king or princes in some way. They were considered among those with ability, skill and understanding (see Dan 1:4). I am intrigued by …

Satisfied With His Goodness

There is a line from Jeremiah 31:14 that keeps running through my mind this week: “…and my people will be satisfied with my goodness, saith the Lord.” Within the context, this could mean that there will come a time when we (His people) will be completely filled with good things from Him: joy and peace …

Lists of Invitation

I sat in a Sunday School class where the teacher asked what we do to remain on the path back to our Father. The answers were unsurprising: pray, read scriptures, attend church, temple worship. It was written on the board as a list. Then, one woman raised her hand and said, “I hate lists. They …

Seeking Light

So much of the natural world teaches us spiritual truths. In His grand design, God is teaching us of the eternities by the every day experiences we have. Light, for instance, is necessary for life. All life depends on and therefore is created to seek after light. Plants will grow toward light and develop the …