The Miraculous Every Day

Have you ever experienced the illusion when once something is brought to your attention, you start seeing it everywhere? Like when you purchase a particular model of car, you start seeing it more frequently on the roads? (This is a real phenomenon! It even has a name-the ‘Baader-Meinhof’ phenomenon.) It isn’t really that the frequency …

More Fit for the Kingdom

Physical fitness isn’t really my thing (obviously,) but watching the Olympics kind of (just a little) makes me want to be better at that. It’s inspiring to see the athletes who have dedicated so much time and effort into their training, who have sacrificed and worked and consistently showed up to practice in order to …

Walk With Me

Enoch lived in a time of great wickedness and turmoil. The people among whom he lived ‘denied’ the Lord, ‘sought their own counsels in the dark,’ ‘devised murder,’ and did not keep the commandments (see Moses 6:28). Even so, Enoch received the invitation from the Lord: ‘walk with me’ (Moses 6:34). Although he felt inadequate …

The Answer to Each of our Challenges

There’s an interesting interaction in Mark 8 between the Savior and His disciples. He has just finished feeding the 4,000 with 7 loaves of bread and a few fish. Previously, they witnessed Him feed 5,000 with just a few loaves and fishes as well. In each instance, there was not just enough to satisfy every …

Just a Mom

We live in a world obsessed with production and prestige, with visibility and audience appeal, so it isn’t surprising that a woman who is working full time at raising children sometimes feels ‘less than’ other women-that she is ‘just a mom.’ It is work that is largely unrecognized and rarely, if ever, glamorous; work that …